As a patient of The Cardiac Centre you have a right:
- To be treated with respect, dignity, care, consideration, and understanding
- To clear and concise explanation of your condition, illness, and any treatment or recommended procedures by your Cardiologist
- To privacy and confidentiality of your medical history and personal information
- To receive an explanation of any possible costs that may be incurred by you as a result of your treatment
- To have a family member or nominated person present when you receive information about your condition
- To refuse treatment at any time
- To express an opinion or make reasonable verbal or written complaints if you are unhappy with your treatment at any time
As a patient of The Cardiac Centre you have a responsibility:
- To provide accurate and complete information regarding your personal and health details including current symptoms and treatments, medications and past illnesses
- To ensure you are well informed and understand your condition and proposed treatment, before giving consent to any procedure
- To ask for more information
- To adhere to the recommendations of your Cardiologist
- To inform your Cardiologist if you are having any problems or reactions to the treatment prescribed
- To provide a current list of medications when you attend the practice for a consultation or procedure
- To provide a referral from your GP when required
- To notify the practice if you are unable to attend your appointment